My Fibromyalgia Crisis
Last week was a very rough week in terms of my fibromyalgia. I believe it is to do with my abscess wound not healing. For those of you who are interested, please click this link to find out about what a perianal abscess is . I also have a sebaceous cyst under my left armpit and I believe all this has contributed to a huge fibromyalgia crisis in my body. I have never felt so exhausted in all my life! My eyes could barely remain open, I couldn’t contemplate another 6 hours before my husband arrived home from work and I felt like bursting into tears.

Asking My Husband For Help
We unfortunately don’t have childcare and so reluctantly, I messaged my husband and asked if he could please come home from work and work at home as I desperately, desperately needed to sleep. He needed to finish some things urgently at work so he wasn’t sure if he would be able to but as soon as he’d finished those he came straight home and let me sleep all afternoon.

I Phoned The FMA UK National Helpline
During that fretful couple of hours, I knew I needed to take action. I am not the sort of person to wallow in her problems. I like decisive actions, plans and next steps. So, I set about researching ways I could help myself with my debilitating fatigue.

I came across an article on the FMA website that stated they have a National Helpline Service that is open for you to call and so I did. The lady was really sympathetic on the phone, was a great listening ear, gave me some useful pacing advice, told me to increase my fluids and rest as much as possible. Now, I know none of this is ground-breaking but I was at breaking point and really needed a friendly voice to guide me. The helpline is open Monday to Friday 10a.m. -4p.m and is run by volunteers who have fibromyalgia themselves. The telephone number to phone is 0300 999 3333
Mummy the Fibro Warrior Top Tip:
- Enlist the help of friends and/or family when you are in a fibromyalgia crisis. If no-one is available, do give the FMA UK National Helpline a ring for a friendly listening ear and support.
If there is one takeaway I’d like you all to remember today is that we all reach our breaking point at some point or another. During this time, we just need to give in and accept all the help we can until we feel well enough again. I need you to know you are doing the best you can, your child/children love you just as you are and you are Mummy the Fibro Warrior!

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Until next time,
p.s. What tips would you have for me during times of a fibromyalgia crisis? Do let me know in the comments below!
[…] have never been the type of person who lets her fibromyalgia stop her from doing the things she wants to do. Whether that’s right or wrong, I don’t […]