Days out with fibromyalgia
I have never been the type of person who lets her fibromyalgia stop her from doing the things she wants to do. Whether that’s right or wrong, I don’t know but I don’t want my illness to rule my life. So, I often have full days out and experiences with my family and friends without even thinking about my fibromyalgia.

Preparing for a day out in Nottingham
On Saturday, my husband and I travelled to Nottingham to see friends and had a wonderful day. I had been up since 6 a.m. with my little boy, was working for 2 hours on my handmade skirt and dyed my hair even before we went. I was already pretty shattered before we even got there but I don’t regret doing those things. As my husband wanted a drink, I was the designated driver on the way home but what I didn’t consider was how exhausted I would feel on the way home! It was horrible! This got me to thinking how possibly not considering my fibromyalgia on days out is perhaps not the right way to go about things. I am not going to stop doing the things I want to do but I now think it’s important to consider and factor in ways to manage my fibromyalgia whilst out.

How to overcome challenges when out and about
Sleep and rest
I think first and foremost when we have planned a day out is to make sure I go to bed early to make sure I am well rested. I need to consider whether I have had enough sleep and whether I need a rest before we go. Even if that is just a little lie down, a small meditation or some time under my weighted blanket, this might go in some way to helping my fatigue and keep me going for longer.

Plan and prioritise
Secondly, I need to consider what my priorities are before we go out. Did I need to dye my hair before we went? Did I need to spend 2 hours solid on my skirt or could I have used the Pomodoro technique and done it in fits and starts? Did I need to get up at 6 or could I have delegated this to my husband? What are the priority things I need to do before I go out for the day. They include a good, healthy and hearty breakfast, clean teeth, get dressed, take my daily medications and pain relief and sort my bag out for the day. I could even do these things the day before like ironing my clothes and choosing my outfit and sorting my bag out the day before, too to take the pressure off.

Then, I need to consider how to make the car comfortable for my needs. I have a cushion I sit on in the car for my abscess wound and a back cushion as well. Perhaps it might be important to include little rest breaks whilst driving long distances even just for 5 minutes to stretch my legs. Maybe next time on a long journey I can bring my hot water bottle for my back and my eye mask to have a 5 minute rest on the journey. I need to make sure I have a drink and a fuelling snack with me too to give me enough energy for the day.

Another factor is parking when going out. I am very lucky that I have a blue badge and so when going to a new place perhaps researching the nearest car parks to our venue would be the best thing that is also accessible for me and doesn’t require too many stairs. It might also be important for me to bring my walking stick with me to help me, too.

Staying well hydrated when out too is another important factor in helping to manage my fibromyalgia when going on. On Saturday, I had lots of diet cokes at the pubs and restaurants we went to but didn’t have much water or other liquids at all. Lunch was rather late as well at 2 p.m. so travelling with snacks in my handbag might be an idea, too.

Alternative transport
For the drive back from places, it might also be good to consider small rest breaks too so I don’t feel as exhausted or arrange different types of transport like the train, a bus or my husband driving instead.

Mummy the Fibro Warrior Top Tip:
- Don’t let your illness dictate your life but do make sure you take it into account when planning days out, events and experiences.
If there is one takeaway I’d like you all to remember today is that fibromyalgia is a life long condition and something you have to manage with self management techniques and tricks. Plan, plan and plan! I need you to know you are doing the best you can, your child/children love you just as you are and you are Mummy the Fibro Warrior!
Until next time,
p.s. What do you do when you have a planned event or day out? How do you factor in your fibromyalgia? Do let me know in the comments below!