I have something very special to share with you today. I have written my very first guest blog submission to another website! The blog post is called ‘Never be afraid to ask for help.’ I am super proud of this piece of work. It goes into detail about my diagnostic journey into fibromyalgia, how I coped with this diagnosis, to falling pregnant, parenting and beyond. Please do click the link above to check it out.
Teare-Jones Coaching

I now want to tell you a little bit about the website I wrote my blog submission for. The website is called tearejonescoaching.co.uk. The author of the website is called Laura Teare-Jones, who is a passionate advocate for women’s health! She is a hormone and mindset coach and is just as passionate as I am to tell our stories to the world and help other women to succeed.

Laura also has a PMDD diagnosis, which stands for Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (more can be found out about PMDD here). This is a debilitating condition, much like my own conditions and other chronic illness warriors reading this. She has her own podcast called My Hormones My Health as well, which discusses living with PMDD and other subjects such as anxiety, fibromyalgia and periods. She shows us we are more than our illness.
Thank you so much to Laura for letting me be a guest blogger. Please do go and check out her links I have provided here if this sounds like the help and support you need. Never be afraid to ask for help! Coping with a diagnosis of a chronic illness is difficult but getting the right help and support can help you to cope with the challenges that may arise.
Mummy the Fibro Warrior Top Tip:
1. It is imperative that as strong, independent women we still ask for help when we need it and do so unapologetically. Fight for what you know to be in the best interests for your health, your family and your life.
If there is one takeaway I would like you all to remember today is that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of our strength, our determination and our tenacity to keep fighting for the life we both want and need. I need you to know you are doing the best you can, your child/children love you just as you are and you are Mummy the Fibro Warrior.
Until next time,
P.S. When have you been brave enough to ask for help? Who is the most supportive and helpful person in your life? What help and support are you going to try and get after reading this post? Please do let me know in the comments below!
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Hello, safe to say I’m a proud person so asking for help is hard for me but I have learnt to ask now even if I’m not struggling. My wife helps me more than anyone as she definitely empowers me
[…] is in your support network and how do you ask for […]