My Fibromyalgia and Me: A Love Story
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! My husband and I celebrated Valentine’s Day this weekend with a trip to the cinema to watch The Iron Claw so we won’t be doing much today. However you are spending your Valentine’s Day, I thought I would spread a little cheer and compose a light-hearted acrostic poem about my life partner – Fibromyalgia!

An Ode to Fibromyalgia
V is for various ‘gifts’ you give me
A is for always by my side
L is for laying with me in the dark
E is for enough side effects to fill the park
N is for not so sweet nothings you whisper in my ear
T is for tangoing with my emotions through every tear
I is for imagining me writhing in bed
N is for not leaving me when I rest my head
E is for evenings on the seatee
S is for stroking me like a tormented bee
D is for daring to go on adventures together
A is for a week in bed feeling like leather
Y is for You and Me together forever
Mummy The Fibro Warrior Top Tip:
- I know it i incredibly tricky when we have this debilitating, chronic illness but try and find some joy or humour in your illness to put a smile on your face, even temporarily.
If there is one takeaway I’d like you all to remember today is that Fibromyalgia is a life long condition but together, through humour, connection and sharing our stories we can fight this! I need you to know you are doing the best you can, your child/children love you just as you are and you are Mummy the Fibro Warrior!
Until next time,
p.s. How are you spending your Valentine’s day? What would your ode to fibromyalgia be? Do let me know in the comments below!