Life update
For some reason, I have not really been blogging all that much and I’m not entirely sure as to why. It’s true that there is a lot going on in my life at the moment. I am attending counselling again to try and help my mental health which can be quite intensive and all consuming at times and does take a lot out of you. Also, I am still recovering after an perianal abysses removal that took place on my birthday of all days. It is still extremely sore as it is an open wound on the most unfortunate area and is taking a long, long time to heal. This means I am not able to do my powerlifting as vigorously, dance or run so this is definitely taking a toll on my mental health and my physical health, too. I think I needed some time and space away from my blog.

Blogging and my mental health
I think as well, I’ve lost my motivation to write. Of course I don’t do this for the views and the comments and the likes but it is still so lovely when I receive lots of these things. When these things don’t happen, it can negatively impact my mood and my motivation.

There is also so much to do to try and make your blog a success. There is the actual writing in itself, the SEO, the promotion, the emails, the designing of the website, the social media and so the list goes on. I felt overwhelmed by it all and just had a huge aversion to picking my laptop up again.
Remember your why
However, doing this blog actually helps me. It helps me to cathartically handle my fibromyalgia and my mental health and this was the original reason I set it up. I have to remind myself as well that if just one person views my site a day then I am making a difference!

What might be helpful for me is to remove the jetpack app from my phone so I am not obsessively checking the stats on a daily basis. Also, I don’t have to sit and write everything all in one go. I could do a bit, rest, come back later, add some images, rest and so on until it is finished.
Getting my mojo back
We’ve just had a wonderful birthday party for my baby boy this afternoon, who turns 2 on Thursday, and my husband has just taken him to the park so I can rest up after a full on morning/afternoon. So, I decided to make myself a hot chocolate, get a slice of cake and see where my writing took me!

I truly believe that the time and space I had away from my blog has helped me to remember why I started writing in the first place. It’s reminded me of the relaxing nature of writing, the pride I feel at creating something I can call my own and the fun that can be had designing the layout and images.
Mummy the Fibro Warrior Top Tip:
- When you feel overwhelmed by things, give yourself the time and space you need to heal and come back stronger. This could apply to parenting, your physical health, your mental health or any other life event.
If there is one takeaway I’d like you all to remember today is that it is so important not to force ourselves to do something if we just aren’t feeling it. There is no point me writing a post if I feel like it is a chore! We need to remember to give ourselves the time and space we need to be the warrior we know we are. I need you to know that you are doing the best you can, your child/children love you just as you are and you are Mummy the Fibro Warrior!
Until next time,
p.s. What do you need time and space away from? How do you cope in times of overwhelm? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.