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My top fibromyalgia advice, parenting support and mumming help

August was a very busy month on Mummy the Fibro Warrior! My site has gone through many changes and theme updates and I’ve been really curating my posts for you all. So today, I thought I would do you a round up of the best blog posts I produced on fibromyalgia, parenting and self care in August.

1. An interview with Melissa vs Fibromyalgia

In August, one of my biggest highlights was getting to interview the fantastically supportive Melissa Reynolds of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia. She is a mum of 4 who has chronic conditions and she shared her tips, advice and support for you all.

A quote from my blog post on melissa vs fibro

2. A day in the life of Mummy the Fibro Warrior

In this post, I write a humorous outline of my day as a stay at home mum with fibromyalgia and my parenting journey that day. I also share the key message I learnt that day!

A quote from a day in the life of mummy the fibro warrior

3. Research on working with fibromyalgia and being a parent

This article was one I was really proud of. I used numerous sources including my own personal experience to sum up people’s experiences of working with fibromyalgia whilst being a parent.

A quote from can i work with fibromyalgia

4. Personal experience of breastfeeding with fibromyalgia

In this post, I discuss the trials, tribulations and triumphs of breastfeeding with fibromyalgia. I discuss my personal experiences of breastfeeding with a chronic condition and summarise the research articles out there.

A quote from breastfeeding with fibromyalgia

5. Exploring the signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia and FAQs

It is surprising to me how many people do not know what fibromyalgia is and how it affects people so in this post I answered the key questions people want to know about this illness using my personal experience and research.

A quote from FAQ on fibromyalgia

Mummy the Fibro Warrior Top Tip:

  1. Be your own advocate and keep abreast of research and useful articles out there to support you on your journey.

If there is one takeaway I’d like you all to remember today is that chronic conditions are difficult to manage. Parenting is difficult to navigate. But with the right help, support and guidance we can overcome difficult things. I need you to know you are doing the best you can, your child/children love you just as you are and you are Mummy the Fibro Warrior!

Until next time,


p.s. Let me know what you thought about my articles in the comments below. Do also let me know of any fibromyalgia or parenting topic you’d like me to discuss. This blog is for you after all.

One response to “Fibromyalgia advice and support – The best of August”

  1. […] block out any light and generally gives me such a better night sleep. Although not primarily for fibromyalgia sufferers, it has really helped me and it is something I would recommend to everyone regardless of […]

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