About Mummy the Fibro Warrior

Mummy the Fibro Warrior
Hi all, my name is Becca and I am the creator of this parenting blog for chronic illness warriors. I became a mummy in 2021 to a little boy and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome in 2019. I also suffer with anxiety. I am a powerlifter, a runner, a wife, a reader, a mummy and love making my own jewellery too. I am also a Qualified Primary School Teacher.
I have created this space to support fellow parents on their journey when battling fibromyalgia. I will be writing articles about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, anxiety and being a mummy with a chronic illness so will be covering a wide range of topics. I offer Mummy the Fibro Warrior Top Tips with each article and offer advice, support and help with navigating this tricky condition. Please do explore my blog and I hope it helps you as much as it is helping me!
Please do join Mummy the Fibro Warrior on my social media channels

Friendship and groups Guest blogs I have written hobbies and interests Interviews with chronic illness warriors Leva Pain Management Programme Movement Pacing and self care parenting Relationships Sleep The best roundups Uncategorised Uncategorized what is fibromyalgia? Who is the fibro warrior?